All testing is done onsite
Canine Reproduction & Veterinary Services for Responsible Breeders
Progesterone Testing 7 days a week!
1480 Royal Palm Beach Blvd Suite B Royal Palm beach, FL 3341
All testing is done onsite
Progesterone Testing 7 days a week!
1480 Royal Palm Beach Blvd Suite B Royal Palm beach, FL 3341
We are available
7 days a week as well as holidays;
by appointment only
Saturday & Sundays at 9am only
Please respect our time and BE ON TIME.
We are located in Palm Beach County , Florida .
1480 Royal Palm Beach Blvd Suite B
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
Available 7days/week! Canine Progesterone, the most important hormone in female dog reproduction. Easy to test for and can be used to look at ovulation & labor timing and other cyclical abnormalities. In order to interpret results one needs to be aware of the unique pattern of progesterone secretion in the bitch.
We offer general practice services to include examinations of healthy and sick pets, vaccinations, lab testing, onsite bloodwork, x-rays, and medical and pharmaceutical treatments as needed.
We offer two different machines. Idexx Catalyst Progesterone is $135 each
Saturday & Sunday Progesterone is $125
Result with either machine is 20 minutes!
TCI, a technique in which an endoscope is used to deliver sperm directly into the uterus, bypassing the cervix, is the optimal choice for canine artificial insemination in nearly every way compared to surgical insemination. It’s less invasive, less expensive, faster, usually requires no sedation, allows two inseminations in a cycle iand has higher pregnancy rates and litter sizes.
We offer Artificial insemination with catheter that allows the dog to remain in a natural position rather than placing strain over the spine by lifting her. The same catheter simulates a natural tie; which significantly reduces leakage. Owners are encouraged to remain present during the procedure. * TCI is the PREFERRED method for insemination as semen is placed DIRECTLY into the uterus
Semen evaluation is an important part of determining reproductive capability. Semen concentration, forward motility, percent abnormal, etc. $135 if collected or sample presented. $75 with any insemination procedure.
High resolution digital radiography is now available and can safely be performed at 42 days of pregnancy to confirm and count number of fetuses .
Florida Statutes, provides that each dog or cat offered for sale within the state must be accompanied by a current Official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (OCVI), issued by a veterinarian licensed by the state and accredited by the United States Department of Agriculture.. * MUST have negative fecal PRIOR to Vet signing form.
Simple, fast way to prove ownership of your dog. If ever lost or stolen; can also assist with bringing your pet back to you and your family.
Using the state of the art Idexx Catalyst One and ProCyte ; we offer the breeder the insight to any changes that may be occurring that would allow proactive measure to be taken. Kidney & liver function, early kidney disease detection, thyroid disease, red/white cell analysis, Heartworm and tick borne disease. Results within 15 minutes or less and emailed to you for your records
Confirmation by visualizing the fetus is 100% confirmation; we do not recommend relaxin testing for confirmation.
Are you checking your breeding bitches for parasites? Do you need to deworm prior to breeding? Find what the microscope misses with Fecal Dx antigen testing. Identify infections prior to eggs being shed. Avoid false-negative results caused by intermittent shedding of eggs. Detect worms even if eggs are not present in the fecal sample.
Brucellosis is a contagious bacterial infection that can cause reproductive issues in dogs (and it can be transmitted to humans). It is imperative to test both male and female dogs for brucellosis before breeding, this should be done every six months in actively breeding males and females .
Brucellosis is an important venereal disease in many species. It does not usually come up in pet ownership because most pet dogs are not bred. Once someone decides to breed their dog, though, they should know all about this disease, particularly since it can be transmitted to humans.
Brucellosis can be contracted sexually but it can also be contracted by inhalation (sniffing contaminated urine or fetal membranes), through the eyes, or orally (licking contaminated urine or urogenital secretions or chewing up fetal membranes). Urine and saliva from an infected dog are not nearly as rife with organism as urogenital secretions; it is when breeding and/or whelping is in the picture that the transmission risk becomes high.
When a female dog aborts a pregnancy because of a Brucella infection, she continues to secrete fluids packed with Brucella bacteria for four to six weeks.
Most of the time, the only sign is aborted pregnancy between the 45th and 59th day of pregnancy (relatively late in the pregnancy). Classically, the aborted pups appear to have died at least several days prior to abortion as they do not look freshly dead. Abortion does not always appear in this most common form, though. Sometimes, the pregnancy is lost so early in its course that the problem is mistaken for infertility. Sometimes puppies are stillborn. Sometimes they are born live and infected.
First of all, the infected dog must be removed from the breeding program (spayed, neutered) and isolated from any animals to be used for breeding. Ideally the dog would be permanently isolated from all other dogs so as not to transmit the infection at all. The dog can remain as a pet but probably should not be sold due to potential health risks. For pet dogs, a course of antibiotics can be given but since this bacterium is so good at hiding inside the host’s cells, you can never assume it is ever truly gone.
RSAT: $150 (results in 1-4 days) EARLIEST DETECTION (1- 4 weeks post exposure). The RSAT (rapid slide agglutination test) is a test that can readily identify negative dogs. That is, if the test comes out negative, the dog can be considered negative. If the test comes out positive, further testing is needed (AGID $275). Up to 60% false positives occur.
AGID: $275 (results in 5-9 days) MOST SPECIFIC: MOST ACCURATE: (5 weeks post exposure).
Checking progesterone levels toward the end of pregnancy will better prepare you for labor. Progesterone drops the closer labor is...for those undergoing natural birth or preparing for a c-section this hormone drop signals the body to start the process of delivery. Preparation is key. If a c section os done PRIOR to this drop, the potential of losing puppies increases tremendously!
Think Whole Foods. Vanilla Cabot greek yogurt given between birthing of puppies will facilitate the body to have calcium available for adequate muscle contraction as well as provide sugar needed to " keep going". Given throughout the nursing phase is also helpful in decreasing the chances of low calcium which can cause seizures ( eclampsia).
This can be controversial. I was brought up as a traditional veterinarian and bought into the entire marketing scheme of “ dry dog food “….until I knew better. I am a Certified Veterinary Food Therapist…which means we throw OUT the dog food and prepare human grade food for our pets based on their specific needs. We as humans have various medical conditions and needs, we can’t all eat the same food as one another. Well, neither should our canine companions. We can do better for them. Dry dog food is exactly that; drying and dehydrated. Your bitch needs fluids and supplementation. Oftentimes they aren’t eating because instinct tells them to take care of their puppies first. The bitch will become increasingly dehydrated and loose body condition. Home made meals at this time is important to maintain nutrition for her that she then passes on to the puppies. Some additives I use personally use on my dogs are the following; full fat cottage cheese, ricotta, Goat’s milk, Vanilla Cabot Greek yougart, Vanilla Ice cream, and eggs to name a few. All products have no additional “crap” ingredients ( stick to the brands that have as healthy and short of an ingredient list as possible). Remember you get what you pay for, so expect to spend a little more here.
By now, most are aware that Goats milk is more gentle on their stomachs than the pre made ‘ puppy replacement milk’ . Goat’s Milk doesn't cause constipation or diarrhea as some of the puppy replacers do. It is the most similar to canine milk versus a dry powder you have to add water to. Always add Karyo Syrup to the milk ( read why below).
Puppies burn up a ton of calories and sometimes don't nurse as well as we want them to, or think they do. Having Karyo syrup on hand can boost blood sugar and stimulate weak puppies to nurse again. When blood sugar drops, this can be a medical emergency. A small amount on your finger and rubbed on the gums may be all you need. I personally always add it into any supplemental feedings or drizzled on top of solid foods while weaning to stimulate interest. When it comes to puppies I always say “ A high blood sugar level is never an emergency, but a low one ALWAYS is!” The body and brain canNOT function without adequate blood sugar levels.
Known for its smell of maple syrup, this is an herb use after puppies have been born. It has been used in humans and animals given to the mother to stimulate milk production.
Puppies and mom kept in a separate area free of drafts and kept warm are often times kept in the dark at night. A red or amber light bulb can be used to illuminate the room so if you need to enter, you are not flipping on a light switch that turns on a white light. Any white light can be distracting and has been shown in studies to alter sleep in people and animals..which in turn can alter growth and health. A red or amber light has a calming affect and can be kept on thru the night; it also does not have the same harmful affects as a white light.
Our goal Is to provide you as the breeder vital information as you need it and when you need it. Progesterone levels are an integral part of any breeding program.
We offer Affordable Canine Progesterone Packages and are available 7 days a week by appointment.
We are a team of veterinarians and breeders that have over 30 years experience. Our own breeding programs have produced multiple National Specialty winners , Best in Show at Nationals as well as Best of Breed at Westminster...we understand the dedication and hard work that is involved with breeding as well as the importance of precise timing when it comes to breeding, labor timing and pregnancy confirmation.
Progesterone Testing & Results
For Mating
To determine the days of mating two factors have to be considered: ovulation and maturation.
For Labor Timing
Some will rely on temperature changes, although somewhat useful especially in smaller and medium-sized dogs. The temperature will fluctuate slightly in the last week.
The drop is not always so marked in larger dogs. The change in body temperature is caused by the drop in plasma progesterone.
Plasma progesterone levels decline to <2 ng/ml 24 hours before labor begins
Consider testing!
We will provide you with reference ranges to coordinate Breeding & Labor Timing with Progesterone Levels
The values and information provided are veterinary reference materials and you as the breeder can make your own determination as to how you use this information within your breeding program. We do not guarantee pregnancy as there are many other variables that are associated (sperm viability, ova viability, bitch/sire health status, husbandry etc).
1480 Suite B Royal Palm Beach Boulevard, West Palm Beach, Florida 33411, United States
Litter Pricing Exams/Vaccines
Health Certificates
Fecal & Deworming
Full Laboratory
Healthy & Sick Pet Exam Care